Notice of Special Vestry Meeting for Christ Church Seaway

As members of Christ Church know, the steam heating system used to heat the building has had many problems over the past few years. This spring, one of the boilers failed and the church has been advised by our HVAC service provider that the system is beyond repair and in need of replacement.

Our diocesan rules require the congregational vestry to approve financial decisions beyond $30 000. Because the cost of this project will likely exceed that threshold, we are arranging for a meeting of Christ Church Seaway’s vestry Monday, June 15, 2020 at 7pm. The meeting will be held online via Zoom.

In preparation for this vestry meeting, there will be an information session via Zoom Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 7pm. This will serve as a way to practice using the online platform and to ensure everyone is as informed as possible as we make this decision together.

There are members of our congregation who are unable to participate in these 2 meetings using the internet. We are committed to ensuring that every member of the congregation receives the information, has the opportunity to be heard, and is able to vote. To make special arrangements to participate in these meetings by telephone, please contact Revs. Colin and Patrick as soon as possible.

More information about this project will be provided as it is available.

Please continue to pray for Christ Church and St. Lawrence Parish as we meet this challenge with grace.

The Rev. Patrick Stephens, Incumbent

The Rev. Colin McFarland, Assistant Curate