Community Engagement and Events

Trinity Church participates in numerous community events and hosts many of its own throughout the year. Look below to see some of them…


rummage sales

Each Spring and Autumn, Trinity Church’s chapter of Anglican Church Women (ACW) hosts a community rummage sale. All proceeds support the ministry of ACW at Trinity Church and beyond. See our parish calendar for dates and times.


doors open ontario

Trinity participates in Doors Open Ontario to open the doors of its unique church building to the public alongside other sites of public interest. Look to our parish calendar in August to see this year’s dates.

community luncheons

Each Spring and Autumn, Trinity Church’s chapter of Anglican Church Women (ACW) hosts a community luncheon. All proceeds support the ministry of ACW at Trinity Church and beyond. See our parish calendar for dates and times.

strawberry social

‘Tis the season! June is strawberry season and the Anglican Church Women (ACW) of Trinity host an annual Strawberry Social. All proceeds support the ministry of ACW at Trinity Church and beyond. See our parish calendar for this year’s date.



Trinity Church’s beautiful acoustic resounds with music throughout the year. Stay tuned for more information on upcoming concerts!

shrove tuesday

Before Lent begins we party! Trinity hosts an annual pancake supper - a chance to indulge in some treats before adopting a more restrained approach to life for Lent. Watch our parish calendar in February for this year’s date.