The Diocesan "traffic light" is about to change. As you know, we were in "red" for a very long time. We have only recently changed to "amber," and soon we will change again to "yellow," on our way (eventually) to "green." We will move into "yellow" on August 3, 2021. The high notes of "yellow" are as follows…
Ordination of Deacons
On June 29th at 7:30pm, Bishop Shane intends to ordain Cynthia MacLachlan and Mark Lewis to the transitional diaconate at Christ Church, Seaway, in Long Sault. The Venerable Peter Crosby will be the Bishop’s Chaplain, The Reverend Adam Brown will be Master of Ceremonies and Litanist, The Reverend Canon Kevin Flynn will be the homilist, and the Music will be offered by Penny Bedard. A PDF of the bulletin can be downloaded here.
June Events
Trinity Church - Special Vestry
The #BishopsGala2021 theme is
Mothers and Children.
The proceeds from each ticket sold will be going to two great causes that support mothers and children in Africa and the Middle East. Learn more about the gala recipients, purchase tickets, and/or make a donation here: