The Diocesan "Traffic Light" is about to Change!

The Diocesan "traffic light" is about to change. As you know, we were in "red" for a very long time. We have only recently changed to "amber," and soon we will change again to "yellow," on our way (eventually) to "green." We will move into "yellow" on August 3, 2021. The high notes of "yellow" are as follows:

We are permitted to seat 30% of the capacity of our Churches for worship (with no predetermined upper limit), with physical distancing (except for family groups). The "amber" stage contact registration, mask wearing, and sanitizing all apply. 

The "Common Cup" at Holy Communion has been re-introduced. As always, reception in "one kind" (either the bread only, or the wine only) is considered full Communion. No intinction (dipping the bread in the wine) is allowed. We respect that not everyone may be comfortable receiving the Cup at this time.

Choir practices and choir singing are permitted, provided that 75 % of those eligible for vaccinations have been fully vaccinated. Masks are worn by singers (both in practices and in worship).  Choir members must maintain physical distancing, from each other and from the congregation.

Congregational singing is permitted. Physical distancing and mask wearing are essential. Quieter hymns are encouraged at this stage (rather than "loud" or "full voiced" ones, to reduce droplets).

An indoor social hour may be held after worship (maximum of 25), with served food and beverage (not self served). Servers are to be masked and wear gloves. Note that if the reception is out of doors, people simply practice physical distancing, and wear masks (the cap of 25 does not apply).

In "amber," and now in "yellow," service books, hymnals and Bibles are permitted in the pews and may be used for worship. We recognize that parishioners may not yet be comfortable using worship books. We may wish to avoid books, at least for the first few services.

Please share this news with others on your ministry team, and with other parishioners. Simply ask yourself, "who needs to know this?" and help us spread the word.

Our long journey with COVID continues. We give thanks for these lessened restrictions, as it means that COVID is less of a threat. However, it is up to us to manage risk and help keep everyone safe under our care.

For a more detailed read of the "yellow" stage, please see the most recent "In this together" document.