2021 - God of Fresh Starts

We have entered 2021 in a state of lockdown, but that has not stopped some changes from happening within our parish.  Our parish ministry team is changing and renewing and moving forward.  See below for our “who’s who”.

Cynthia MacLachlan
In January we welcomed Cynthia MacLachlan as a part time ministry intern, placed in our Area Parish by the Diocese, as an important part of her formation and training for Ordination (God willing).
She will be serving in our parish under the supervision of Archdeacon Peter Crosby. While she will be ministering in all three of our congregations, the focus of her time will be at Trinity and Centre 105, in accordance with her learning goals, COVID-19 restrictions permitting.
We are delighted to have Cynthia with us until sometime in the late spring/early summer.

Rev. Colin McFarland
On Sunday, January 24th, the Area Parish of the St. Lawrence said farewell to the Rev. Colin McFarland. We expressed our thanks for his sharing of time and talents with us over the last two years and wished him well as he begins his new appointment as Incumbent at St Margaret’s Church in Vanier. Colin will be missed.

Fr. Peter Crosby
On February 2, Fr. Peter will be undergoing hernia repair surgery at the Ottawa General Hospital. He will likely be off for at least 4 weeks in recovery at home. Please keep Fr. Peter, his family and his medical team in your prayers. We are grateful to retired Archdeacon, Frank Kirby, who will be Priest in Charge until Fr. Peter returns. You can contact Fr. Frank by leaving a message at the Church Office.

Kacper Waclawski
Sunday, February 7th, will be Kacper Waclawski’s first Sunday at Trinity Cornwall as their new Music Director. Kacper (pronounced “Kasper”) is excited about this new ministry. He is a natural collaborator and he is looking forward to working with musicians (vocal and instrumental) at Trinity and across the Parish!

Rev. Adam Brown
We look forward to welcoming the Reverend Adam Brown as our Assistant Curate beginning on February 15, 2021. We will share more about Fr. Adam as he arrives and gets settled in the parish.

We share this prayer from the Corrymeela Community:
God of fresh starts,
God of enduring truths:
As we push out into this near year
with a clinging caution and lingering trepidation
give us the nudge to roll up our sleeves
to meet our challenges with hope and courage;
and with a renewed desire to see in each other
the truth and joy of our inescapable interdependence.


The world needs community like never before. In that spirit, we offer these prayers for community in a time of pandemic. The entire series, beginning on 13 March 2020, can be found at www.corrymeela.org.

Advent Letter 2020

Advent Letter 2020

In these challenging times when our fellow Canadians are becoming sick, and dying; losing the businesses or their jobs; juggling the roles of work-at-home parent, teacher and caregiver; struggling with on-line schooling and wondering about the future; the world needs people of hope and compassion; people of faith who are serving as the hands and heart of Christ and offering themselves as instruments of his peace.

Appointment Announcement

Dear Friends,

Grace to you and peace from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please arrange to have this letter shared in your parish on Sunday, November 29, 2020.

I write to announce that I have appointed the Reverend Colin McFarland to be the Incumbent of the parish of St. Margaret's in Ottawa, effective February 1, 2021…