Notice of Special Vestry - Approval of Structural Alterations Relating to Centre 105

A Special Vestry will be held on Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 7pm over Zoom to approve the following motion concerning the installation of additional washrooms. Approval for the date of the Special Vestry has been granted by the Archdeacon.

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Approval of Structural Alterations relating to Centre 105

Trinity Church Cornwall

Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant

Vestry of the Congregation of Trinity Church Cornwall

Parish of the St Lawrence

January 28th, 2024

WHEREAS, in June 2023, the Management Board of Centre 105, a Community Ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa that is located on the premises of Trinity Church Cornwall (the “Church”), submitted an application for capital funding to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for a project (the “Project”) to support the construction of new shower and toilet facilities (the “New Facilities”) in the Church's main hall;

AND WHEREAS, in October 2023, the Ontario Trillium Foundation approved the funding for the Project in an amount up to $106,800; 

AND WHEREAS the construction of the New Facilities will alleviate the current lack of appropriate facilities for church staff, parishioners, clients of Centre 105 and members of the general public who make use of Church venues; 

AND WHEREAS the construction of new shower facilities in particular will help to fill a void in services available for the vulnerable and housing-compromised citizens of Cornwall.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT, for the purposes of Bylaw 3.21(1) of the Bylaws of the Diocese of Ottawa, the members of the congregation of Trinity Church Cornwall hereby approve the construction of the New Facilities in the Church’s main hall on the understanding that:

a) the cost of construction of the New Facilities will be funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation grant in the amount of $106, 800; and

b)any construction costs in excess of $106,800 will be funded directly by the Diocese."