A Message from Our Clergy...

“The gifts God gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry …” Ephesians 4: 11-12

The Seventh Sunday after Epiphany 2022

Dear Friends in Christ:

Our Area Parish Clergy Team is changing how we operate to serve you better! Beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022, our three Churches will each have a designated “contact Priest,” who will serve as your Pastor. They will be primarily responsible for your congregation. This will provide consistency in the delivery of ordained ministry, and clarity in roles and responsibilities. To keep us connected as Priests and people across the three congregations, the Clergy will periodically “rotate” Churches, typically one Sunday per month (beginning in May 2022), otherwise remaining in the same Church on the other Sundays. The Clergy team will take part in our scheduled combined/ joint Area Parish services, as we have in the past.

As Incumbent of the Area Parish of the St. Lawrence, I am responsible for the leadership of our Parish Clergy Team, and solely responsible for the assignment of duties. I will serve as Pastor to Trinity Church. The Reverend Adam Brown will be Pastor to Christ Church-Seaway. The Reverend Cynthia MacLachlan will be the Pastor to St. John’s, Lancaster. We are enthusiastic about this development, and look forward to embracing our particular duties. As a Clergy Team, we will support each other, so that no individual Priest is overburdened, and that the Congregations are well supported in their ministries.

Consistency in Sunday duties will be reflected in weekday ministries. Your Pastor will be your first point of contact for pastoral care, Sacraments, questions of administration, governance, and stewardship. Along with Lay leaders, your Pastor will be responsible for local mission, ecumenism/ interfaith ministry, and community partnerships. As Incumbent, I will sign, or cosign, as appropriate, those few legal or Canonical documents which require the Incumbent’s signature. 

The Area Parish Clergy Team will continue to support the Corporations, Councils, and Vestries of each Church in their normal pattern of meeting. The Pastor for each Church will naturally take the lead when it comes to the Clergy’s role in governance, supported by the Clergy Team.

This evolution of Priestly ministry in the Area Parish will not affect the Canonical Appointments made by Bishop Shane Parker, in fact, it has been done in consultation with him, and our Churchwardens; nor will it affect our financial structure and the apportioning of costs.

The Clergy Team continues to learn and grow in our understanding of the needs and opportunities for ministry and mission in our Area Parish. We are committed to helping our Churches cooperate and collaborate for faithful and effective ministry along the Seaway and beyond.

Yours in Christ:

Fr. Peter+

The Ven. Peter Crosby
Incumbent Priest
Area Parish of the St. Lawrence