Holy Week Begins...

Our news and events page this week has many links for you! Fr. Peter, Fr. Adam and our Communications Team having been working hard to connect you with our Parish and the world beyond during our second Virtual Holy Week. Take the time to explore the links and reflect on the different celebrations we can experience.

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Passion Sunday with the Liturgy of the Palms

Blessed Palm Crosses will be available for outdoor pick-up at our three Churches on Sunday afternoon

See below for times.

Christ Church, Seaway from 1:00-2:00 p.m c/o Tom and Delores Green;

St. John's, Lancaster from 1:00-2:00 p.m. c/o Wendy Wert;

Trinity Church, Cornwall from 1:30-3:00 p.m.
c/o Daphne Hall, Johanna Strutynski, and Doreen Whitehouse.

Please wear your mask and avoid "congregating - we are in the "red stage"

We will also have Palm Crosses available for pick up whenever we return to in-person worship.

Holy Week Devotional Materials
Here are some links that Father Adam has gathered that you might find to be just the ticket during Holy Week in our Pandemic Red Zone. They include Evening Prayer with optional Lamentations, as well as the Stations of the Cross.

The main page for the whole week: https://www.ssje.org/praying-holy-week/

Monday: https://www.ssje.org/2015/02/26/praying-monday-in-holy-week/

Tuesday: https://www.ssje.org/2015/02/26/praying-tuesday-in-holy-week/

Wednesday: https://www.ssje.org/2015/02/26/praying-wednesday-in-holy-week/

Maundy Thursday: https://www.ssje.org/2015/02/26/praying-maundy-thursday/

Good Friday: https://www.ssje.org/2015/02/26/praying-good-friday/

Holy Saturday: https://www.ssje.org/2015/02/26/praying-holy-saturday/

Easter Sunday: https://www.ssje.org/2015/02/26/praying-sunday-of-the-resurrection/

Click here Tenebrae_Evening_Prayer.pdf

Click here stations_of_the_cross.pdf

Here is the link to the St. Lawrence Parish Holy Week Services at the times listed below:

April 1, 2021 at 7:00 pm
Maundy Thursday

The Institution of the Lord’s Supper and the Stripping of the Altar

 April 2, 2021 at 11:00 am
Good Friday

The Passion of the Lord

 April 3, 2021 at 8:00 pm
Holy Saturday

The Great Vigil of Easter

 April 4, 2021 at 10:00 am
Easter Sunday