March - A Time for Reflection and Hope

As March arrives, we look forward to spring and all of the hope it offers. The Parish of the St. Lawrence is working to make sure you are included, and aware of what is happening within our communities. Although we will not be gathering for in-person worship until the end of March at the earliest, there are many ways for you to stay connected virtually.

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Fr. Peter has created a new blog called “Psalm-light”. It is posted on the website every Tuesday and offers the reader a chance to reflect on the psalm of the week - to share the light of God. Comments are welcomed and encouraged.


Days in the Wildwood

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

You are invited to join us for our next Zoom edition of Days in the Wildwood. Together, we'll enjoy conversation, reflect on scripture, and worship as we continue our Lenten journey.

To participate please follow the invitation link below:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 2293 7087
Passcode: 215452

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On-line Lenten Bible Study Continues

A Journey with Mark

Wednesdays, 7pm-8pm
February 24 – April 7th, 2021

Description: A Journey with Mark explores the Gospel of Mark through reflections, meditations, and prayers written by dynamic spiritual leaders from around the world, including The Rt Rev Fred Hiltz. All sessions are via Zoom.

Please register with Cynthia MacLachlan (Ministry Intern) at or by phone 613.551.2670. Once registered, you will receive the meeting link and dial-in information.

2021 Vestry

Two of our parishes have successfully held their annual vestry meetings! Congratulations to all who made this work.

A reminder for the Trinity folk: If you would like to participate, please fill out the link below. Please note, while anyone can attend our annual vestry meetings , there are certain things required in order to participate and vote. They are described in the 'Google Form'  following the link 

For anyone unfamiliar with Zoom click on the link for assistance. 

If anyone would like a hard copy of the Vestry report, arrangements will have to be made to pick it up.
You may contact Stephen Barkway at .

Vestry Date: trinity- monday, March 8th at 7pm

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Hello and welcome to COVID Communiqué 41. Recent days have brought rapid changes in the status of many regions as COVID-19 variants emerge; medical experts continue to stress the need for extreme caution. We’re convinced keeping up the measures for staying safe while waiting to see how the variants behave — and how vaccine delivery plans shape up — is the most responsible way to proceed.
Therefore, the plan for reopening our churches to in-person worship, which we promised two weeks ago, must remain tentative because it’s conditional on how government restrictions and public health advice evolve. However, we hope on March 17 to confirm a plan to allow our diocese to move into Amber stage on Palm Sunday, March 28. This would allow clergy and lay leaders 10 days to prepare for in-person Amber worship, if they feel that is the best choice for their parish.
Bishop Shane wants to avoid the stressful and demoralizing situation where we reopen prematurely, only to have to go back into lockdown again soon after. As he put it: “It is wise to remain in Red stage during the entire season of Lent, in the hopeful expectation that we can safely reopen on Palm Sunday, and then take the Holy Week journey to Easter with a sense that this is the beginning of the way out of this pandemic.”
However, although our churches must remain closed to in-person worship until at least March 27, there is some good news on the financial front. On the recommendation of our Property & Finance Committee, Diocesan Council has approved financial relief for all parishes for the month of March. You can read a letter from our Director of Financial Ministries here: