Moving Forward with Music at Trinity Church

October 27, 2019

Re: Moving Forward with Music at Trinity Church

Members of Trinity Church Cornwall,

With the upcoming retirement of Brian Hubelit at the end of 2019, this January will mark the beginning of a new chapter in the life of Trinity Church. Your clergy believe that music contributes immense value to liturgical worship. We are committed to leading the congregation of Trinity Church through a time of prayer, experience, and discernment as we chart a course forward.

Patrick and Colin are currently creating a schedule of music leaders that will take the congregation through the end of June 2020. This schedule will include several people, each bringing their own talents and offerings to the congregation. This will be an opportunity for all of us to experience a variety of approaches to worship and to better understand our musical aspirations.

The Trinity Church choir is key to the musical life of our congregation. The choir will be encouraged to continue to meet and sing during this interim period of discernment.

Over the next month, we (Patrick and Colin) will be forming a small group to advise your clergy and wardens on filling a musical leadership position on a more permanent basis. Our hope is that we will be able to hire for a new music leadership position by September 2020.

Let us continue to pray for each other and the future of music leadership at Trinity Church. If you have any questions or ideas, we would love to hear them!


The Rev. Patrick Stephens,                        The Rev. Colin McFarland
Incumbent                                                    Assistant Curate