Contentment or Not?

Notes from a Sojourn
May 1, 2020

Contentment or Not?

Paul was an amazing champion for Jesus even though he spent his early life persecuting those who professed faith in the Christ. His conversion is well documented and then his unabashedly faithful witness to Jesus is recorded in no less than fourteen of the books of the New Testament. Most of his books are recorded as letters to various churches that had been or were being established in the early Christian era. Four of these letters were written while Paul was imprisoned. But even while being incarcerated, Paul found reasons to be happy, productive and at peace as he felt he was continuing to do what Jesus had sent him to do and that was to preach the gospel. He was content so to speak.

Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine a world where I would ever be content while in prison or anywhere that my freedom may be taken away. The world I live in actually teaches me not to be content. This Western democratic capitalistic world tells me that I need more; I need to climb higher up the corporate ladder or at least improve my position in life whatever the cost. I need to have the newest, the latest, the most popular materials that this world has to offer. I need to be healthier and more fit; I need to be entertained by the greatest athletes and artists the world has to offer. This world teaches me that I always need, need, need! So where do I find any contentment in this world?

If nothing else, this new era of isolation and freedom limiting times has taught me that I can find contentment in the simple things of life. This has given me a new perspective on our most valuable commodity these days and that is our time. I have been able to read my devotions without feeling rushed to get to the next item on the calendar. I have been able to spend some great quality time with my wife, uninterrupted time that we seldom get in our far too busy lives. I am able to finish projects that have been sitting for months and sometime years because I was always too busy ‘needing’ other things to fill my life. I have found opportunity to actually spend quality time with Jesus and get to know him so much better; know him in ways I never realized were possible. What an absolute joy and gift to find this contentment in times of uncertainty, times of doubt, times of fear, even times of sadness and despair. Jesus provides this contentment and we can find it anywhere…as long as we are looking!

"Not that I am referring to being in need; for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11-13 (NRSVA)

Mark Lewis
Pastoral Intern, St. Lawrence Parish

Image: "St. Paul in Prison" by Rembrandt