Notes from a Sojourn
April 21, 2020
A New Song
Black-capped chickadees are a great backyard bird. They can be found pretty much anywhere in Ontario and they are instantly recognizable by their iconic winter song: "chickadee-dee-dee-dee"
In the spring, however, black-capped chickadees begin to make their warm weather call: "hee-hoo hee-hoo". They will continue with this song until the cold weather returns in the fall. As the chickadee adopts its summer song, seasonal behavioural changes begin to also take place.
In Eastertide, we offer praise to God in many ways. One of them is by singing the word "Allelulia!" It is our perennial resurrection song. As we adopt this ancient call in our prayers and in our singing, may it be for us a new song, one that helps us to re-imagine who we are and what we do, as a people defined by the new life of the resurrection, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Alleluia!
( learn more about black-capped chickadees and listen to their summer song here:…/Black-…/media-browser/404194 )