Notice of Special Vestry

Notice of a Special Meeting of Vestry

A Special Vestry of Trinity Church, Cornwall, will be held on Sunday, December

3rd, 2023 at 7p.m. over Zoom to discuss the settlement of arrears to the

Diocese of Ottawa.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 3284 7134

Passcode: 269291


The wording of the motion shall be:

“That $240,016 be withdrawn from the Consolidated Trust Fund to be

applied to the settlement of arrears to the Diocese of Ottawa. The funds

to be withdrawn from the Percy Carther Estate, the Jean DuBord Trust

and from the bequest of John B. Rowden and Dorothy Langston.”

Solemn Declaration

“I solemnly declare that: I am a member of this congregation of the Anglican

Church of Canada; I am of the full age of sixteen years; I am a regular

worshipper with this congregation; I do not intend to vote as a member of any

other Vestry in the election of Churchwardens or of Members of Synod during

the ensuing year; and I am a supporter of this congregation by regular

contributions to its maintenance.”

Relevant Bylaw:

Per Bylaw B.5.02, section 13, of the Bylaws, the special meeting of Vestry is

permitted to be held, at the direction of the Priest-in-Charge, by […] electronic

means. ( i.e. Zoom)

Notice of Special Vestry

A Special Vestry of Trinity Church, Cornwall, will be held on Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 4pm, over Zoom to discuss the replacing of the boilers.  The Zoom link will be provided through Facebook post, email, through the office by request, the website, or by using the following information below:

Meeting ID: 856 6060 1846
Passcode: 743891


The wording of the motion shall be:

“That this Special Vestry of Trinity Church, Cornwall replace the boilers, Walker Climate Care being the preferred company to be approved by the Property and Finance Committee, paid for with the funds being provided through the withdrawal of up to $101,417.50 from the estate of Lottie Robertson of the Consolidated Trust Fund, to be approved by the Property and Finance Committee.”

Solemn Declaration

"I solemnly declare that: I am a member of this congregation of the Anglican Church of Canada; I am of the full age of sixteen years; I am a regular worshipper with this congregation; I do not intend to vote as a member of any other Vestry in the election of Churchwardens or of Members of Synod during the ensuing year; and I am a supporter of this congregation by regular contributions to its maintenance."

Relevant Bylaws:

Per Bylaw B.5.02, section 7, of the Bylaws of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, The Venerable Rhonda Waters has given permission to allow the notice of a special meeting of Vestry to be reduced to one week.

Per Bylaw B.5.02, section 8, of the Bylaws, The Reverend Cynthia MacLachlan has received permission to chair the special meeting of Vestry in the absence of the Priest-in-Charge.

Per Bylaw B.5.02, section 13, of the Bylaws, the special meeting of Vestry is permitted to be held, at the direction of the Priest-in-Charge, by […] electronic means. (i.e. Zoom)

Father Peter Crosby Retires this Week!

The three congregations of the Parish of the St. Lawrence gathered to celebrate Trinity Sunday and the retirement of the Venerable Rev. Peter Crosby.
Thank you, Fr. Peter, for your service to our congregations and communities - your connection to us over the last 38 years has been deeply appreciated. We will miss your guidance, humour and great faith. We are sending you, Maria, Ringo and family prayers for your new adventure.

Fr. Peter celebrates the Eucharist on Trinity Sunday - June 4th, 2023

An oak tree was planted in honour of Fr. Peter’s 38 years of ministry.
l to r: Fr. Adam Brown, Fr. Frank Kirby, the oak tree, Fr. Peter Crosby, Rev. Cynthia MacLachlan

Brother Richard is Retiring

Brother Richard is Retiring

The Reverend Deacon Richard Matthias is retiring effective March 26, 2023, the Fifth Sunday in Lent. Brother Richard was ordained Deacon on Holy Cross Day in 2016. His ministry has been focused on pastoral care in Cornwall, and providing liturgical support to Trinity Church, as well as to the worship of the Area Parish of the St. Lawrence. We wish Brother Richard well in his continuing ministry in retirement. Brother Richard and his wife Nancy live in Massena, New York. 

For an opportunity to express your thanks and to wish him well, you can join Brother Richard during our Virtual Coffee Hour on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 11:00am. You will find the link for the Zoom meeting on our Facebook page on the morning of the 28th.